May31st-Memorial Day
To start off as I have every night, last night/this mornings sleep routine went rather well. He was in bed at 11:15 and slept til 2:30, was back up at 5:30 and then about every 2 hours after that. Seems that will be the norm for us. I do have fantastic news about tonight’s routine… we figured it out!! At about 9:30 Dominic nursed and after he took nearly all of his rice cereal by the SPOON!! It was really runny the way the Dr said to start him off on, and tomorrow I will start thickening it up each night until it is at the cereal consistency on the can or to what he seems to prefer. I was so proud of him, however I was not fast enough for him and he did get a little irritated at me a few times, but all and all it was great. After about a 20 minute wait we had bath time, and I got to lotion him up this time. Next we went to say goodnight to Daddy, enjoyed the warm bottle and off to slumber land he went. I am so excited it went well, now to see how the sleeping goes for the night, I have a feeling it will go well too!
Dominic has this little stuffed frog that he absolute loves to play with. While chilling in his bassinet he was playing with that frog. It was so funny watching him hug it and slobber all over it. The funniest part was him licking the eyeball. He did this several times I guess because of thread it is made out of feels funny on his tongue. Either way it was Hilarious!! Later around 8 when he was being fussy due to it was nap time, I laid him down next to me on the couch and gave him his paci and frog. He held his paci with one hand, and the other arm was hugging his frog and his hand was wrapped around my finger. I was so darn cute!!
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