July21st- Too much fun!
Dominic was a real hoot today. Mommy and Dominic got out a sheet and laid it on the living room floor so we would have lots of play space. While sitting up facing Mommy Dominic would lean forward and bury his face on Mommy. When I turned him facing out he did the same thing to the boppy. I know he HATES tummy time but since he was doing this burying his face thing I thought I would try laying him on his belly. At first he just laid there staring at the toys and the he started scooting. It’s hard to describe he was almost crawling without using his arms; he would just move his legs back and forth and scoot on his belly. He went about 2 feet and got upset so that was the end of tummy time for awhile. Mommy was amazed at this mostly because it’s a good sign and maybe just maybe he will begin to enjoy tummy time soon, and who knows maybe even crawl!
Later in the afternoon Dominic was playing in his pack and play while Mommy was making up bottles. He had his animal booties on and out of corner of my eye I thought I saw him put his foot in his mouth. My eyes weren’t deceiving me he was putting his foot in his mouth, rather the animal on the bootie but his toes where in there just the same. Mommy took off the booties and he tried to get his feet to his mouth and pretty much did but I guess it just wasn’t as much fun as the animals so I put them back on and Dominic entertained himself for nearly an half hour!
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