July 20th- Little stinker
Today Dominic tried a new baby food flavor, carrots. He wasn’t sure about them at first but after a few bites he devoured his cereal. He has spit up more than he has lately but that could be due to the fact that keeping Dominic still after eating is next to impossible. He is so playful lately he is always wiggling around or his fingers are shoved in his mouth.
During dinner time Dominic was laying in his Pack n Play playing away with his Horsey. He was having such a good time. The Horsey is as big as him but he can hold on to the neck and hooves and slobber all over the nose.
Here lately Dominic has been squealing, holler, and screaming when he is playing. We were on the phone with his Nan when he started this. I bet we didn’t hear half of the conversation due to how loud he got. He really got excited when he Deedaw talked to him on the phone. Afterward we called Grandma Theresa so she could hear and he stopped until right when we hung up the phone. He can be such a little stinker at times when we are trying to share with the family.
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