Dominic smiled up at me today and I noticed something... Another Tooth!!! My baby boy is getting in his second tooth. It us barely visible you can just see the top coming through. This tooth explains why he wouldn't eat solids yesterday it must have hurt but never acted like it did.
Dominic did eat a little bit of solids today. He did have his oatmeal cereal with bananas. For lunch he had his nasty mixture of peas and apricots until he got mad at Mommy. After about half the bowl Mommy took a napkin and cleaned off his messy face. Apparently he didn't think he needed this done bc he got down right mad at me. Once he got upset he refused to eat, Dominic has a temper at times. Mommy tried to get him to eat but gave up and ended up making a bottle about 20 minutes later. My sweet little boy can be a monster sometimes!!
They can all be monsters sometimes, but the cuteness factor out weighs the ugly, at least on most children, LOL!